Breaking Weight Loss Barriers for a Better Life

Welcome! My mission is to inspire and empower you to manage weight better while taking charge of your health habits - as outlined in my book

Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!

Breaking Weight Loss Barriers for a Better Life

Welcome! My mission is to inspire and empower you to manage weight better while taking charge of your health habits - as outlined in my book

Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!

World-Renowned Weight Management Expert

Using a personalized, habits-based approach, Dr. Kushner has been breaking weight loss barriers with customized plans for almost 40 years.



As the author (or editor) of 15 books, 65 book chapters and nearly 237 scientific articles on overweight, obesity and nutrition, Dr. Kushner has a unique skillset to help you reach your weight loss goals.

If you’re tired of going on and off diets, you’ve come to the right place. Through my latest research and development of the scientifically - validated Six Factor Quiz, I discovered the 6 factors that end up being major barriers to successful weight management.

Once you know your factors, I can personalize a plan that will help you lose weight and feel better.

The Power of Healthy Living: It’s Never Too Late!

You can take control of your lifestyle, eat better, move more, be less stressed, feel better and lose weight if you target your personal factors that create the greatest barriers to YOUR lasting success.

In Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!, let us take you by the hand and show you the way.

Are you ready to try a refreshing and novel way of tackling your weight that starts with YOU?


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