Can a Flexible Mindset Help Improve Your Health?

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has...
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Minute by Minute, Achieve Better Health

Can improved health really be that simple? It’s all about making small changes in your daily activities and deciding what healthier steps you are motivated to start taking today. Helping...
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Take a More Active Role in Your Weight Management Care

As a weight management expert, I’ve been encouraging my patients to take a more active role in their care for years. If this is something you’re interested in doing, engaging...
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3 Mindset Tweaks to Manage Weight Better

When managing body weight, you’re probably laser-focused on how your weight is changing day to day or week to week. This most likely applies whether or not you’re also taking...
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Self-Care is Not Just for Weekends!

Self-care is your ability to give your mind and body what they need in order to stay healthy and feel well. This includes eating well, being active, de-stressing, getting enough...
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Social Prescriptions to Enjoy Better Health

What does it mean to be healthy? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is not merely the absence of disease but is a state of complete physical, mental...
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Put Health Goals into Action

Having health-related goals is one thing. Being able to follow through with them is another. To help my patients put health goals into action, I encourage them to think about...
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Obesity Care Rx Considerations

Effective obesity care management begins with lifestyle modification (healthy eating patterns, increased physical activity and health behavior modification) for everyone as this is needed for optimal health. For select patients...
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