Dr. Kushner

Weight Loss that Fits Your Life & Lifestyle

By Dr. Kushner / December 21, 2020 /

While helping people get control of their weight for almost 4 decades, one thing I know for sure is that ‘one size does not fit all.’ I spend a lot of time talking to my patients to help them figure out the best mix of weight management strategies that fit their life and lifestyle habits.…

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Healthy Living Gift Ideas

By Dr. Kushner / December 12, 2020 /

I like to think of healthy living as a 3-legged stool that incorporates diet, physical activity and mindset. If one of these legs is ignored or not attended to on a regular basis, you won’t feel steady and your health may suffer. For this holiday season, I asked staff from our Northwestern Center for Lifestyle…

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Use Exercise ‘Snacks’ to Feel Better, Improve Health

By Dr. Kushner / December 6, 2020 /

It’s no secret that we all sit too much – working at our desks, driving in our cars and relaxing on the couch. A small study published online in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, looked at the effects that stair climbing exercise ‘snacks’…

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Improve Energy Level and Mood to Help you through the Holidays

By Dr. Kushner / November 21, 2020 /

Holiday times are usually a time when you need high energy for all the family get-togethers, gift buying and cooking that are piled onto your day-to-day routine. But this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, family gatherings will be smaller, big meal festivities will be downsized and gift buying…

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Fight Weight Loss Boredom, Boost Motivation Now

By Dr. Kushner / November 16, 2020 /

No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, it’s not uncommon to find your motivation waning over time. Because weight management is typically a lifelong endeavor, boredom can easily set in or life can get in the way of your best intentions. Either way, there are strategies that can work across the board…

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Set Up Your Home for Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / November 9, 2020 /

It seems eating temptations to ‘eat now’ or ‘eat more’ are everywhere – in the office, at social gatherings, near store cash registers or when driving by billboards and restaurants. But what about inside your home? Your home is the one environment you have control over and as I tell all of my patients, you…

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Strive to be a ‘B’ Student to Manage Weight Better

By Dr. Kushner / October 25, 2020 /

A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to be successful managing weight. But this perfectionistic mindset only sets you up for failure because eating and exercise rarely go perfectly each and every day. Since managing weight tends to be a lifelong endeavor, I encourage all…

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Tips to Manage Menopausal Weight Gain

By Dr. Kushner / October 15, 2020 /

Some of my most frustrated patients are women requesting help for weight gain and changing body shapes that develop during their menopause transition years. And though each woman’s personal story and weight journey differs, what they share is a feeling of powerlessness to take back control. If this sounds like you, know that though I…

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3 Tips to Healthier Meal Planning

By Dr. Kushner / October 1, 2020 /

Are you hoping healthier meals will decrease your risk factors and lessen your chances of having to go on blood pressure or diabetes medications? Whatever the reason, if you’ve recently made a commitment to eating better, then healthier meal planning is most likely on your to-do list. Here are 3 tips to make meal planning…

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Get Expert Help to Manage Weight through Telehealth Visits

By Dr. Kushner / September 24, 2020 /

Telehealth visits offer you greater access to a variety of weight loss experts, and all from the comforts of your own home. If you struggle with healthy meal planning, following through with an exercise program or finding the right weight management treatment options to boost your success, maybe it’s time to consider seeing health care…

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