healthy eating

Use Leftovers to Recreate Healthy Meals

By Dr. Kushner / June 4, 2022 /

“Doc, I just don’t eat leftover foods” is a comment I sometimes get from patients during my weight management counseling. I always encourage them to reconsider. With grocery prices soaring and food waste being so common, we know that using leftover food is a good strategy that helps your pocketbook and the planet. But you…

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Moving Toward More Plant-Based Eating

By Dr. Kushner / December 18, 2021 /

We know that to improve health and manage weight better, adding more plant-based foods to your daily diet is a winning strategy. That’s because these good-for-you foods are generally lower in calorie density and higher in vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting phytochemicals and fiber than the foods they end up displacing such as meats and fried foods…

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Gifts Ideas for Healthy Living 

By Dr. Kushner / November 15, 2021 /

It’s that time of year again when holiday gift giving is on all of our minds. For this year’s list of healthy living gift ideas, I decided to share some favorites that have helped my wife and I live more healthfully – and can help you too. To make our list, the item had to either have improved our eating habits or physical and mental health –…

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Make Your Home a Safe Haven for More Healthful Eating

By Dr. Kushner / October 4, 2021 /

Whether it’s the foods on your kitchen counters, eye-level in the fridge or in bowls on a cocktail table, we know that tempting food cues in your environment can lead to overeating. Too often, patients tell me they have no willpower and don’t understand why they can’t say no to all the tempting foods around…

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Your Weight Matters Virtual Event – Join Us to Recharge Your Health!

By Dr. Kushner / July 13, 2021 /

Have you ever given your time and become involved in an organization only to discover that in return you got so much more back than you put in? That has been my experience that began 10 years ago when I was asked to join the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Board and lend my expertise to…

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Control What You Can Control

By Dr. Kushner / May 21, 2021 /

So much in life is outside of our control such as where we are born, who our parents are and our genetic makeup. When taking a family history, I always ask about my patient’s family members and whether or not others in the family have weight problems. If your family members have also struggled with…

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Why It’s Time to Drop the ‘Diet Deprivation’ Mindset

By Dr. Kushner / May 10, 2021 /

Although you may think restricting eating and setting up strict food rules would help you lose weight, it really only leaves you feeling deprived. And in the long run, strict dieting along with a limited eating plan can also be a recipe for weight regain. Here’s why it’s time to drop the diet deprivation mindset:…

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Can Meal Timing Help You Eat Healthier?

By Dr. Kushner / May 2, 2021 /

When taking a dietary history, I ask the same thing to all my patients: “I am interested in learning about what you eat and drink in the course of the day. Could you please take me through a typical day, starting first thing in the morning and going into the night?” One of the biggest…

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The Universal Strategy to Help You Eat Healthier & Boost Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / March 21, 2021 /

The unhealthiest eating takes place when you are hungry, stressed and unprepared. Think of this as the ‘triple threat’. Hunger + stress + being unprepared = poor decision making and overeating Planning ahead will put you back in control of your everyday eating and your health. When taking a patient history, I always ask patients…

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Pick Low Hanging Fruit for a Healthier Life

By Dr. Kushner / January 21, 2021 /

If you’re trying to boost your health but don’t have the motivation, time or interest to completely overhaul your lifestyle, a helpful strategy is to pick simpler lifestyle tweaks that require less effort. I refer to this as ‘picking the low hanging fruit’ or simpler strategies that are easier to implement. Here are some examples:…

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