Dr. Kushner

Health Behavior Flexibility is Good for Your Weight & Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 29, 2022 /

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has strict rules you tell yourself you must follow? Do you have a long list of forbidden foods that you must not eat? Do you feel…

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Find Your Path to Better Manage Weight and Boost Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 20, 2022 /

Better managing weight is not just about dropping pounds on the scale; it’s also about improving one’s physical and emotional health along the way. I help people who struggle with weight by first getting to know them and listening as they talk about their personal challenges. My approach has been consistent over my long career,…

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What To Do if You Don’t Like to Exercise

By Dr. Kushner / January 10, 2022 /

If you’re someone who hates to exercise, know it will improve your health but can’t seem to get yourself to do it, read on. For the past 40 + years I’ve been counseling patients on the detrimental effects of being inactive. What is now known is that too much sitting, also called sedentariness, is an…

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Keeping Healthy Lifestyle Focus in Times of Stress

By Dr. Kushner / December 22, 2021 /

In my practice, stress and coping are topics I regularly address. I try and help patients see the connection between their life stressors, coping skills and overall health. The goal is to help patients cope more healthfully and keep the positive focus they need to maintain their healthy lifestyle habits. If life stressors impair your…

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Moving Toward More Plant-Based Eating

By Dr. Kushner / December 18, 2021 /

We know that to improve health and manage weight better, adding more plant-based foods to your daily diet is a winning strategy. That’s because these good-for-you foods are generally lower in calorie density and higher in vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting phytochemicals and fiber than the foods they end up displacing such as meats and fried foods…

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Dance Your Way to Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / December 5, 2021 /

We’ve known for a long time that the more you enjoy your healthier lifestyle, the better chances you’ll have of making health habits that can last a lifetime. Over seven years ago, my wife Nancy and I took up ballroom dancing and immediately got hooked. It has been life-changing. I love dance because it checks…

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A Fresh Start for a Heathier You

By Dr. Kushner / December 1, 2021 /

As we look forward to welcoming in a new year, improving one’s health, weight and lifestyle are on many of our to-do lists. With a new year come thoughts of a new and better you. But how do you get started? Though each person has his or her own issues to tackle and goals to…

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Gifts Ideas for Healthy Living 

By Dr. Kushner / November 15, 2021 /

It’s that time of year again when holiday gift giving is on all of our minds. For this year’s list of healthy living gift ideas, I decided to share some favorites that have helped my wife and I live more healthfully – and can help you too. To make our list, the item had to either have improved our eating habits or physical and mental health –…

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Weight Loss Success Depends on Finding and Keeping Motivation

By Dr. Kushner / November 2, 2021 /

Whether you have in internal drive to lose weight to improve self-confidence or feel better, or you are encouraged to lose weight by your health care provider to improve your diabetes or hypertension, sustained motivation is a key factor for long-term success. However, it’s not uncommon for motivation to wax and wane at different points…

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Use Self-Advocacy to Boost Health and Better Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / October 27, 2021 /

Though many people may be familiar with advocating for their child, an elderly parent or a cause they care deeply about, they may be less familiar with self-advocacy – or advocating for themselves. Certainly, you’ve heard about self-care or spending time taking care of yourself. Self-advocacy takes this one step further where you are more…

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