Dr. Kushner blog

Is Lifestyle Modification for Weight Management Still Worth Your Time and Effort?

By Dr. Kushner / May 15, 2022 /

With all the exciting new drugs being developed to help people better manage weight, you may wonder if the time you’re spending on improving health habits are still worth your time and effort. Choosing healthier foods, becoming more active, getting more hours of restful sleep and better managing stress do take lots of time and…

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Rethinking Weight Goals

By Dr. Kushner / April 24, 2022 /

In my practice, patients often have high hopes of losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time. I tell them that it’s important to have realistic expectations about what is practical and achievable; otherwise, they will be disappointed. I also discuss the importance of putting weight into the context of overall…

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Tips to Improve Health Care Encounter when Talking about Weight

By Dr. Kushner / March 27, 2022 /

If you’re someone who struggles with weight, you may also struggle talking about weight with your health care provider. I know this because for the past 40 years I have talked to thousands of patients about weight and have seen firsthand how difficult this conversation can be for many individuals. Difficulties can range from people…

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Different People, Different Struggles, Targeted Weight Management

By Dr. Kushner / March 12, 2022 /

I recently gave a webinar presentation for The Obesity Society on personalization in weight management. I shared the latest research on the importance of taking into account each person’s traits, habits and attitudes when developing an individualized treatment plan. One size does not fit all when it comes to helping people manage weight. I also…

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What’s Your Movement Portfolio?

By Dr. Kushner / March 2, 2022 /

In counseling my patients to improve their health and better manage weight, I always ask about each person’s physical activity habits. More specifically, I ask, “On a typical day, what’s the most physically active thing you do?” I encourage my patients to think about developing a ‘movement portfolio’ of varying activities that get their bodies…

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Better Sleep, Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / February 16, 2022 /

As a physician specializing in weight management, I always take a sleep history from my new patients. The quality and amount of daily sleep have emerged as major factors in health and weight management. In fact, a new research study found that increasing the number of hours slept could help decrease food intake and weight.…

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Create Daily Self-Care Health Rituals

By Dr. Kushner / February 9, 2022 /

Self-care is your ability to give your mind and body what they need in order to stay healthy. This includes eating well, being active, de-stressing, getting enough sleep and engaging in leisure-time activities that bring you joy and help re-charge your batteries. Healthy eating and living are all about finding foods and activities you enjoy…

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Health Behavior Flexibility is Good for Your Weight & Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 29, 2022 /

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has strict rules you tell yourself you must follow? Do you have a long list of forbidden foods that you must not eat? Do you feel…

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Find Your Path to Better Manage Weight and Boost Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 20, 2022 /

Better managing weight is not just about dropping pounds on the scale; it’s also about improving one’s physical and emotional health along the way. I help people who struggle with weight by first getting to know them and listening as they talk about their personal challenges. My approach has been consistent over my long career,…

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What To Do if You Don’t Like to Exercise

By Dr. Kushner / January 10, 2022 /

If you’re someone who hates to exercise, know it will improve your health but can’t seem to get yourself to do it, read on. For the past 40 + years I’ve been counseling patients on the detrimental effects of being inactive. What is now known is that too much sitting, also called sedentariness, is an…

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