eat better

Fall into Healthier Habits with the Change of Seasons

By Dr. Kushner / October 19, 2022 /

Falling leaves and cooler weather can signal a change of seasons but it can also indicate it’s time to change up your healthy lifestyle routine. A change of seasons is the perfect time to try new things in your quest for better health. Whether you’re looking to improve your diet, become more active, get a…

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3 Tips to Make Healthy Eating Easier at Home

By Dr. Kushner / October 2, 2022 /

Though your home is the one environment you have most control over, my patients often struggle to take charge of the foods that are available at home. I tell them that successful weight management occurs when you can better control all the ‘eat now’ and ‘eat more’ temptations in your home. If you’re interested in…

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Make Progress, Not Perfection

By Dr. Kushner / September 17, 2022 /

A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to be successful managing weight and boosting health. But this perfectionistic mindset only sets you up for failure because eating and exercise rarely go perfectly each and every day. Since managing weight tends to be a lifelong endeavor,…

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Can You Spare 5 Minutes Toward Improving Your Health? 

By Dr. Kushner / August 17, 2022 /

Can improved health really be that simple? It’s all about making small changes in your daily activities and deciding what healthier steps you are motivated to start taking today. Helping patients live healthier lives has been a passion of mine throughout my 40+ years of weight management practice. That’s why I take a detailed history…

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Health Behavior Flexibility is Good for Your Weight & Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 29, 2022 /

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has strict rules you tell yourself you must follow? Do you have a long list of forbidden foods that you must not eat? Do you feel…

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Make Your Home a Safe Haven for More Healthful Eating

By Dr. Kushner / October 4, 2021 /

Whether it’s the foods on your kitchen counters, eye-level in the fridge or in bowls on a cocktail table, we know that tempting food cues in your environment can lead to overeating. Too often, patients tell me they have no willpower and don’t understand why they can’t say no to all the tempting foods around…

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Your Weight Matters Virtual Event – Join Us to Recharge Your Health!

By Dr. Kushner / July 13, 2021 /

Have you ever given your time and become involved in an organization only to discover that in return you got so much more back than you put in? That has been my experience that began 10 years ago when I was asked to join the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Board and lend my expertise to…

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Take the First Step to a Heathier Life

By Dr. Kushner / June 23, 2021 /

When it comes to boosting the healthfulness of your lifestyle, sometimes the first step you take may be the hardest one. With so much conflicting information in the media on the best ways to lose weight and get healthier, you are likely to be confused. You may be asking yourself some common questions: Are all…

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Can Meal Timing Help You Eat Healthier?

By Dr. Kushner / May 2, 2021 /

When taking a dietary history, I ask the same thing to all my patients: “I am interested in learning about what you eat and drink in the course of the day. Could you please take me through a typical day, starting first thing in the morning and going into the night?” One of the biggest…

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Get Healthier, Better Manage Weight by Tapping into Your Strengths

By Dr. Kushner / April 3, 2021 /

Too many times, people can feel defeated in their quest for better health. Maybe they have difficulty choosing the right foods or struggle sticking with an exercise program. Or maybe stress keeps getting in the way of their good intentions. A lack of confidence can cause many to throw in the towel and give up…

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