eat better

Self-Care is Not Just for Weekends!

By Dr. Kushner / May 7, 2024 /

Self-care is your ability to give your mind and body what they need in order to stay healthy and feel well. This includes eating well, being active, de-stressing, getting enough sleep, and engaging in leisure-time activities that bring you joy and help recharge your batteries. In my 40 + years treating patients, I’ve found that those…

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Put Health Goals into Action

By Dr. Kushner / April 11, 2024 /

Having health-related goals is one thing. Being able to follow through with them is another. To help my patients put health goals into action, I encourage them to think about the steps they can take up front to set themselves up for success. Here are 3 STEPS YOU CAN STAR TAKING TODAY to improve your…

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Spring into Better Health!

By Dr. Kushner / February 15, 2024 /

Before you know it, the seasons will be changing. This is a good time to kick your health behaviors into higher gear. So many of us want to be healthier but feel pressure to do so in a certain way. My approach is different. The best way for you to boost health is to find…

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Healthier Meal Planning with Themed Dinners

By Dr. Kushner / January 21, 2024 /

Being able to whip up quick, healthy dinner meals in minutes is a skill that will serve you well in your quest to eat healthier. In our household, my wife and Six Factors to Fit co-author, Nancy, prides herself in doing just that for our family. For this blog, we share tips so you can learn to…

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Nutritional Nudges for a Healthier You

By Dr. Kushner / January 13, 2024 /

Making small changes to what and how you eat can help improve your health. That’s because small diet changes are easier to follow and sustain. Here are some common eating challenges along with examples of the nutritional nudges I often recommend: 1-I Eat Too Many Sweets Sweets can be addictive because the ultra-processing makes you…

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Ease into More Plant-Based Eating

By Dr. Kushner / December 7, 2023 /

One constant in my weight management counseling is to nudge patients toward eating more plant-based foods. That’s because these good-for-you foods are generally lower in calorie density and higher in vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting phytochemicals and fiber than the foods they end up displacing such as meats and fried foods. Plant-based foods can also help lower…

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Your SNACKING TOOLBOX to Improve Daily Health Habits

By Dr. Kushner / November 6, 2023 /

Sustainable health habits aren’t typically developed as a complete overhaul of one’s lifestyle. Instead, it’s more realistic and doable if they’re created as one small ‘snack’ step at a time, whether it’s related to healthy eating, getting in more physical activity, or dealing with daily stressors. You can create your own SNACKING TOOLBOX for when…

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Improve Your Health – One Self-Care Behavior at a Time

By Dr. Kushner / April 9, 2023 /

One of my yearly medical student classes I teach is helping our future physicians practice improving their own health, one self-care behavior at a time. You may be surprised to know that health care professionals can also struggle to fit in time for exercise, plan healthier meals into a busy day, take time to de-stress…

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Be Strategic in Your Quest for Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 22, 2023 /

Improving your lifestyle to get healthier and manage weight better requires good intentions. You also need to know the strategies to follow that will give you the most bang for your buck in your quest for better health. After treating thousands of patients over my 4-decade career, I’ve learned some common pitfalls to a healthier…

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Eat Better, Boost Health in the New Year & Beyond

By Dr. Kushner / January 3, 2023 /

If you’re looking for information and inspiration to help you eat better and get healthier, you’ve come to the right place. My approach is to recommend using skillpower to help you reach your healthy eating goals. Skillpower involves learning and practicing the strategies and skills that have the most likelihood of nudging you toward healthier…

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