eat better
Seeking perfection in your diet plan is a set-up for failure. A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to eat more healthfully. Whether it’s banning all carbs, sugar or fat from one’s diet, extreme food restrictions are hard to maintain for the long run. They…
Read MoreOne of my yearly medical student classes I teach at Northwestern University is helping our future physicians learn behavior change strategies to improve their own health. Examples of targeted health behaviors may include not exercising regularly, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, eating too many sweets or fast food, not getting enough hours of sleep…
Read MoreWe all struggle with eating temptations over the holidays. The key to healthy holiday eating is to plan ahead so you feel in control to enjoy the foods you love in moderate portions. Here are some tips that have worked for my patients and can work for you too: 1-Don’t Go to the Party Hungry…
Read MoreYour Saturday night outings may be the one day of the week when you let your guard down and don’t pay much attention to what or how much you eat. Though weekends are a time to unwind and have fun – they don’t have to derail all the progress you’ve made during the week. Dinners…
Read MoreHealthy eating requires planning ahead. Though this does take some time, it doesn‘t have to be so time intensive. In this blog, I share some time-saving tips that help my family eat better and healthier. 1 – Try Convenient Apps for Shopping No time to go to the grocery store? Check out your neighborhood for…
Read MoreAs new Fall schedules get underway, you may also be looking toward a healthier eating routine. If you want to eat better and get healthier, you’ve come to the right place. Instead of a one-size-fits-all, restrictive diet approach, I recommend making small lifestyle changes. If you’re ready to change your lifestyle for the better, I…
Read MoreSelf-care is your ability to give your mind and body what they need in order to stay healthy and feel well. This includes eating well, being active, de-stressing, getting enough sleep, and engaging in leisure-time activities that bring you joy and help recharge your batteries. In my 40 + years treating patients, I’ve found that those…
Read MoreHaving health-related goals is one thing. Being able to follow through with them is another. To help my patients put health goals into action, I encourage them to think about the steps they can take up front to set themselves up for success. Here are 3 STEPS YOU CAN STAR TAKING TODAY to improve your…
Read MoreBefore you know it, the seasons will be changing. This is a good time to kick your health behaviors into higher gear. So many of us want to be healthier but feel pressure to do so in a certain way. My approach is different. The best way for you to boost health is to find…
Read MoreBeing able to whip up quick, healthy dinner meals in minutes is a skill that will serve you well in your quest to eat healthier. In our household, my wife and Six Factors to Fit co-author, Nancy, prides herself in doing just that for our family. For this blog, we share tips so you can learn to…
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