Spring into Better Health!

Before you know it, the seasons will be changing.

This is a good time to kick your health behaviors into higher gear.

So many of us want to be healthier but feel pressure to do so in a certain way.

My approach is different.

The best way for you to boost health is to find positive things you can do that you enjoy and fit your life.

And be flexible because what works one day may not work for you the next. And that’s ok!

If you’re ready to get started, here are some tips:

1-Leave the Strict Rules Behind

You may be surprised to know that strict diet or exercise rules are a setup for failure.

That’s because you won’t always be able to follow the perfect diet or weekly exercise routine.

Approaching health behaviors with inflexibility, using absolute terms like ‘never’ or ‘must’ is not a realistic way to live.

One thing we know for sure is that life doesn’t always go as planned, making it helpful to have flexible backup plans when needed.

For example, instead of foregoing your exercise time because your walking buddy is sick, you adapt by watching a favorite TV show at home while riding your indoor bike.

Or – instead of giving up all alcohol, you may enjoy a glass of wine on your nights out, one or two times per week.

2-Pay Attention to Immediate Benefits

When your new health behaviors help you to feel better, you’ll be more likely to keep doing them.

This requires mindfulness as you pay more attention to how you’re feeing.

Is your mood better when you take a walking break in the midst of a busy day?

Are you more energetic on the days you bring some healthy snacks to work and stay well hydrated?

3-Start Simple

Taking small, simple and doable steps can boost success. Here are some examples to think about:

  • Keep a water bottle at your desk to help you stay well hydrated
  • Start each day with a healthy breakfast meal
  • Pack a healthy lunch to bring to work the next day
  • Practice slow, deep breathing or use a short, meditation app when feeling stressed
  • Break up sitting time by standing up and stretching
  • Take movement breaks during your work day for 5 minutes each hour
  • Take an outdoor break each day, even if it’s to walk your dog
  • Use a wearable activity tracker as an incentive to get in more steps during the day

When you can follow healthier behaviors more regularly, this can be a reminder that your health is worth the time and effort.

I hope these examples give you more ideas for following health behaviors that are realistic and doable for your lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a healthy lifestyle weight management program that encourages behavioral flexibility, check out my self-help book, Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!

Being flexible in your approach to eating and losing weight is associated with a healthier body weight, more success in keeping weight off, less psychological distress and improved well-being.

Think progress, not perfection as you spring into better health!


Robert Kushner, MD


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