flexible mindset

Can a Flexible Mindset Help Improve Your Health?

By Dr. Kushner / July 16, 2024 /

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has strict rules you tell yourself you must follow? Do you have a long list of forbidden foods that you must not eat? Do you feel…

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Spring into Better Health!

By Dr. Kushner / February 15, 2024 /

Before you know it, the seasons will be changing. This is a good time to kick your health behaviors into higher gear. So many of us want to be healthier but feel pressure to do so in a certain way. My approach is different. The best way for you to boost health is to find…

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Changing Hearts & Minds about Obesity

By Dr. Kushner / October 11, 2023 /

I recently attended the Obesity Action Coalition’s (OAC) Your Weight Matters 2023- Engage conference in Orlando. No matter how long I’ve been practicing, I continue to be inspired by those who share personal weight journey stories that include both their struggles and successes. Throughout the weekend, we heard inspiring stories from former professional football players,…

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Be Strategic in Your Quest for Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 22, 2023 /

Improving your lifestyle to get healthier and manage weight better requires good intentions. You also need to know the strategies to follow that will give you the most bang for your buck in your quest for better health. After treating thousands of patients over my 4-decade career, I’ve learned some common pitfalls to a healthier…

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Health Behavior Flexibility is Good for Your Weight & Health

By Dr. Kushner / January 29, 2022 /

Do you approach improving your weight and health with a more flexible or inflexible mindset? If you’re unsure, here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you someone who has strict rules you tell yourself you must follow? Do you have a long list of forbidden foods that you must not eat? Do you feel…

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Why It’s Time to Drop the ‘Diet Deprivation’ Mindset

By Dr. Kushner / May 10, 2021 /

Although you may think restricting eating and setting up strict food rules would help you lose weight, it really only leaves you feeling deprived. And in the long run, strict dieting along with a limited eating plan can also be a recipe for weight regain. Here’s why it’s time to drop the diet deprivation mindset:…

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To Boost Health and Manage Weight, Mindset Matters

By Dr. Kushner / March 6, 2021 /

Those who are interested in losing weight successfully spend a lot of time looking at different diet plans to find the one they think will work best for them. You may relate. Maybe you’ve considered trying the Keto diet, intermittent fasting or going gluten-free. As a weight management specialist who has spent nearly the last…

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Strive to be a ‘B’ Student to Manage Weight Better

By Dr. Kushner / October 25, 2020 /

A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to be successful managing weight. But this perfectionistic mindset only sets you up for failure because eating and exercise rarely go perfectly each and every day. Since managing weight tends to be a lifelong endeavor, I encourage all…

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Build Skillpower, Not Willpower to Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / September 10, 2020 /

If you’re like many of my patients, you may blame yourself for being overweight and feel your lack of success is due to a lack of willpower. But just as I tell patients, I will tell you also. Being overweight is due to multiple factors, is not your fault and cannot be wished or willed…

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3 Ways to Not Let Food Pushers Derail Your Healthy Eating Efforts

By Dr. Kushner / November 13, 2019 /

Holiday time or not, many of my patients tell me about the food pushers in their lives who make it hard to eat healthfully. Who are the food pushers? Food pushers are most often people you know who prod you to eat more or eat foods that you know are less healthy. It may be your spouse who continues to…

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