health habits

What To Do if You Don’t Like to Exercise

By Dr. Kushner / January 10, 2022 /

If you’re someone who hates to exercise, know it will improve your health but can’t seem to get yourself to do it, read on. For the past 40 + years I’ve been counseling patients on the detrimental effects of being inactive. What is now known is that too much sitting, also called sedentariness, is an…

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Keeping Healthy Lifestyle Focus in Times of Stress

By Dr. Kushner / December 22, 2021 /

In my practice, stress and coping are topics I regularly address. I try and help patients see the connection between their life stressors, coping skills and overall health. The goal is to help patients cope more healthfully and keep the positive focus they need to maintain their healthy lifestyle habits. If life stressors impair your…

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A Fresh Start for a Heathier You

By Dr. Kushner / December 1, 2021 /

As we look forward to welcoming in a new year, improving one’s health, weight and lifestyle are on many of our to-do lists. With a new year come thoughts of a new and better you. But how do you get started? Though each person has his or her own issues to tackle and goals to…

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Gifts Ideas for Healthy Living 

By Dr. Kushner / November 15, 2021 /

It’s that time of year again when holiday gift giving is on all of our minds. For this year’s list of healthy living gift ideas, I decided to share some favorites that have helped my wife and I live more healthfully – and can help you too. To make our list, the item had to either have improved our eating habits or physical and mental health –…

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Use Digital Tools to Boost Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / August 7, 2021 /

If you’re struggling to manage weight, using digital tools can help you. So many of our daily behaviors and health habits have a big effect on one’s weight, including what and how much you eat, how you move or don’t move your body along with your stress level and mood. Whether you track your diet,…

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Control What You Can Control

By Dr. Kushner / May 21, 2021 /

So much in life is outside of our control such as where we are born, who our parents are and our genetic makeup. When taking a family history, I always ask about my patient’s family members and whether or not others in the family have weight problems. If your family members have also struggled with…

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Time to Move Beyond the ‘Eat Less, Move More’ Weight Loss Message

By Dr. Kushner / April 11, 2021 /

When I hear physicians state that their patients just need to learn how to ‘eat less and move more’ to lose weight, I think about how much this message oversimplifies and under-delivers in offering real help to people who struggle with weight. This message reveals a misunderstanding about the complexity of overweight and obesity that…

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Get Healthier, Better Manage Weight by Tapping into Your Strengths

By Dr. Kushner / April 3, 2021 /

Too many times, people can feel defeated in their quest for better health. Maybe they have difficulty choosing the right foods or struggle sticking with an exercise program. Or maybe stress keeps getting in the way of their good intentions. A lack of confidence can cause many to throw in the towel and give up…

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Use Core Strategies to Stay Healthy during Life’s Ups & Downs

By Dr. Kushner / February 15, 2021 /

You are probably all too familiar with the drill – you lose weight and feel good but when life throws you a curveball, you stop doing the healthy lifestyle behaviors that kept your weight under control. Though the specific life challenge can vary from person to person (examples may include a new illness or injury,…

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Better Self Care, Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / February 2, 2021 /

You’re already probably used to taking care of others – your children, an ailing parent, a friend or even your pet. Now it’s time to start treating yourself better too. In my 40 + years treating patients, I’ve found that those who make time for self-care, do better managing weight and boosting health than those…

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