health habits

Use Core Strategies to Stay Healthy during Life’s Ups & Downs

By Dr. Kushner / February 15, 2021 /

You are probably all too familiar with the drill – you lose weight and feel good but when life throws you a curveball, you stop doing the healthy lifestyle behaviors that kept your weight under control. Though the specific life challenge can vary from person to person (examples may include a new illness or injury,…

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Better Self Care, Better Health

By Dr. Kushner / February 2, 2021 /

You’re already probably used to taking care of others – your children, an ailing parent, a friend or even your pet. Now it’s time to start treating yourself better too. In my 40 + years treating patients, I’ve found that those who make time for self-care, do better managing weight and boosting health than those…

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Pick Low Hanging Fruit for a Healthier Life

By Dr. Kushner / January 21, 2021 /

If you’re trying to boost your health but don’t have the motivation, time or interest to completely overhaul your lifestyle, a helpful strategy is to pick simpler lifestyle tweaks that require less effort. I refer to this as ‘picking the low hanging fruit’ or simpler strategies that are easier to implement. Here are some examples:…

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Budget Friendly Healthy Eating & Exercise Tips

By Dr. Kushner / January 10, 2021 /

Is a healthy lifestyle expensive? Because we live in a world where tasty, tempting foods high in calories, fat, salt and sugar are abundant and cheap while a physically active lifestyle seems out of reach for those unable to afford an expensive fitness club membership or home exercise equipment, many people think it is. But…

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Weight Loss that Fits Your Life & Lifestyle

By Dr. Kushner / December 21, 2020 /

While helping people get control of their weight for almost 4 decades, one thing I know for sure is that ‘one size does not fit all.’ I spend a lot of time talking to my patients to help them figure out the best mix of weight management strategies that fit their life and lifestyle habits.…

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Tips for Overcoming Health Habit Procrastination

By Dr. Kushner / September 15, 2020 /

As the weather changes along with family schedules, Fall can be a time for personal renewal and transformation. But the energy you used to put forth toward creating new schedules and healthier self-care practices in past autumn seasons may now be focused on dealing with pandemic-related stress, uncertainty and fears. This can lead to procrastination,…

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New Tool to Help You Eat Better, Move More, De-Stress

By Dr. Kushner / August 4, 2020 /

With stress levels high and routines disrupted in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, we are all feeling challenged to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. And yet because excess weight and obesity have been identified as risk factors for worse coronavirus outcomes, managing weight and boosting health are now more important than ever. Over the last…

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3 Tips to Overcome Health Habit Fatigue

By Dr. Kushner / June 13, 2020 /

When you start something new, whether it’s a healthy eating plan, a new workout program or even pandemic-related safety practices, many people tend to be gung-ho. But as time goes on, motivation can wane along with those new health practices – especially if they have not become ingrained as daily habits. When my patients experience…

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Boost Accountability and Motivation for Better Health Habits

By Dr. Kushner / May 26, 2020 /

The science of habit formation tells us that being accountable to others can be a powerful motivator to maintain healthy habits. And yet during the pandemic, many of us have lost the “others” who kept us accountable as walking buddies, fellow group exercisers, motivating personal trainers and work colleagues who share your passion for healthy…

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Health Habits Silver Lining during Pandemic?

By Dr. Kushner / April 28, 2020 /

When we come out the other side of this pandemic, many of us are wondering – how will life be different? As an expert in weight management for the past 4 decades, I’ve been watching different diet trends come and go. Now that we have all been social distancing at home with restaurants and health…

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