manage weight

Set Up Your Home for Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / November 9, 2020 /

It seems eating temptations to ‘eat now’ or ‘eat more’ are everywhere – in the office, at social gatherings, near store cash registers or when driving by billboards and restaurants. But what about inside your home? Your home is the one environment you have control over and as I tell all of my patients, you…

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Build Skillpower, Not Willpower to Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / September 10, 2020 /

If you’re like many of my patients, you may blame yourself for being overweight and feel your lack of success is due to a lack of willpower. But just as I tell patients, I will tell you also. Being overweight is due to multiple factors, is not your fault and cannot be wished or willed…

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Find Your Personal Path to Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / January 21, 2020 /

This is a busy time of year when patients who come to see me are already motivated to lose weight. Many come in doing intermittent fasting or Dry January- which is in sharp contrast to those doing the keto diet from years past. However, being successful losing weight and keeping it off are not about…

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