Dr. Kushner

Set Up Your Home for Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / November 9, 2020 /

It seems eating temptations to ‘eat now’ or ‘eat more’ are everywhere – in the office, at social gatherings, near store cash registers or when driving by billboards and restaurants. But what about inside your home? Your home is the one environment you have control over and as I tell all of my patients, you…

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Strive to be a ‘B’ Student to Manage Weight Better

By Dr. Kushner / October 25, 2020 /

A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to be successful managing weight. But this perfectionistic mindset only sets you up for failure because eating and exercise rarely go perfectly each and every day. Since managing weight tends to be a lifelong endeavor, I encourage all…

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Tips to Manage Menopausal Weight Gain

By Dr. Kushner / October 15, 2020 /

Some of my most frustrated patients are women requesting help for weight gain and changing body shapes that develop during their menopause transition years. And though each woman’s personal story and weight journey differs, what they share is a feeling of powerlessness to take back control. If this sounds like you, know that though I…

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3 Tips to Healthier Meal Planning

By Dr. Kushner / October 1, 2020 /

Are you hoping healthier meals will decrease your risk factors and lessen your chances of having to go on blood pressure or diabetes medications? Whatever the reason, if you’ve recently made a commitment to eating better, then healthier meal planning is most likely on your to-do list. Here are 3 tips to make meal planning…

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Get Expert Help to Manage Weight through Telehealth Visits

By Dr. Kushner / September 24, 2020 /

Telehealth visits offer you greater access to a variety of weight loss experts, and all from the comforts of your own home. If you struggle with healthy meal planning, following through with an exercise program or finding the right weight management treatment options to boost your success, maybe it’s time to consider seeing health care…

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Tips for Overcoming Health Habit Procrastination

By Dr. Kushner / September 15, 2020 /

As the weather changes along with family schedules, Fall can be a time for personal renewal and transformation. But the energy you used to put forth toward creating new schedules and healthier self-care practices in past autumn seasons may now be focused on dealing with pandemic-related stress, uncertainty and fears. This can lead to procrastination,…

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Build Skillpower, Not Willpower to Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / September 10, 2020 /

If you’re like many of my patients, you may blame yourself for being overweight and feel your lack of success is due to a lack of willpower. But just as I tell patients, I will tell you also. Being overweight is due to multiple factors, is not your fault and cannot be wished or willed…

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Are You a Candidate for a Weight Loss Medication?

By Dr. Kushner / August 26, 2020 /

Being overweight is due to multiple factors that are not your fault or something you can will away. Biological underpinnings exist for why you weigh what you do and why it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off. Although lifestyle modification (that involves eating healthier, getting in more physical activity, coping better with stress…

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Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget

By Dr. Kushner / August 15, 2020 /

As food prices soar amidst the coronavirus pandemic, your good intentions to eat more healthfully may be challenged by sticker shock at the grocery store. But preparing family-friendly healthy meals should not break the bank. By making some adjustments before, during and after you shop, less costly healthy eating is within reach. Here are some…

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New Tool to Help You Eat Better, Move More, De-Stress

By Dr. Kushner / August 4, 2020 /

With stress levels high and routines disrupted in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, we are all feeling challenged to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. And yet because excess weight and obesity have been identified as risk factors for worse coronavirus outcomes, managing weight and boosting health are now more important than ever. Over the last…

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