Seeking perfection in your diet plan is a set-up for failure.
A common misperception my patients struggle with is thinking they have to strive for perfection in order to eat more healthfully.
Whether it’s banning all carbs, sugar or fat from one’s diet, extreme food restrictions are hard to maintain for the long run.
They also miss the point that a healthy diet is a well-balanced one, composed of healthy carbs, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains.
Since managing weight tends to be a lifelong endeavor, I encourage all of my patients to drop this perfectionistic mindset, be more flexible and forgiving.
Giving yourself permission to not be perfect can actually be quite freeing.
If you’re ready to change your eating for the BETTER, I include 3 important steps you can start taking today:
Step #1 – Make Healthy Eating Easier at Home
Healthy eating will be easier if you set yourself up for success.
You can do this by setting up a supportive home environment.
Home is the one place you have most control of and spend lots of time.
Step #2 – Start Adding to Your Diet
Healthy eating and losing weight are too often associated with lots of restrictions, “don’ts” and “can’ts”.
I like taking a more positive spin to help you think about what you can start adding to your diet, rather than always taking foods away.
Adding more plant-based foods to your meals and snacks will naturally crowd out the less healthy foods from your diet.
A big bonus is that these good-for-you foods help decrease your risks of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and some cancers while also helping to fill you up on less calories.
If you’re ready to ease into more plant-based eating, read more here.
Step #3- Be Practical and Realistic
Rather than encouraging you to do a complete diet overhaul, I promote sneaking healthier foods into your current meals and snacks.
I call this progressive meal planning which I discuss in my latest self-help book, Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You!
This works well for my patients because it’s practical, realistic and achievable; it can help you too!
Remember that health is not black and white.
Also, foods are neither good or bad.
You can still enjoy favorite foods in moderation when you have a plan.
Be kind to yourself as you work on improving your eating habits and overall health.
Robert Kushner, MD