Health Habits Silver Lining during Pandemic?
When we come out the other side of this pandemic, many of us are wondering – how will life be different? As an expert in weight management for the past...
Manage Stress during Stay at Home Order
With emotions high during the Covid-19 pandemic, feeling stressed may be your new normal. You may feel overwhelmed, have a lack of focus and concentration, have worrisome thoughts that cloud...
Tame Unplanned Snacking with One Simple Strategy
You finish your lunch or dinner meal, leave the kitchen and soon you find yourself back in the kitchen hunting for more snack foods. Unplanned snacking, either out of boredom...
3 Tips to Manage Stress Eating during the Pandemic
A change in routine and heightened stress levels during the Covid-19 pandemic have created the perfect storm for stress eating. Here are some ways you may be affected. Instead of...
Health at Home Tips during this Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
You may be surprised to know that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, most of my patients have been ‘showing up’ (by phone) to discuss their health and how...
Healthy Living Tips Apply Now More than Ever
With the coronavirus outbreak, this is a stressful time as we are all doing what we can to decrease our chances of catching the virus as we wash our hands...
3 Surprising Ways to Make Meal Planning Easier
What are your plans for lunch today? How about dinner? Are you a planner when it comes to your meals and snacks or do you just wing it as the...
Busting 4 Nutritional Myths to Help You Better Manage Your Weight
It seems every day you hear conflicting nutritional tips to help you lose weight. Should you avoid all carbs? Is fruit too high in sugar? Are dairy foods unhealthy? Are...