weight management tips

Use Self-Advocacy to Boost Health and Better Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / October 27, 2021 /

Though many people may be familiar with advocating for their child, an elderly parent or a cause they care deeply about, they may be less familiar with self-advocacy – or advocating for themselves. Certainly, you’ve heard about self-care or spending time taking care of yourself. Self-advocacy takes this one step further where you are more…

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From Deprivation Dieting to Enjoying a Healthier Lifestyle

By Dr. Kushner / October 19, 2021 /

Strict diet rules are hard to follow for long periods of time. Examples may include banning all carbs from your diet or never allowing yourself to enjoy treat-type foods ever again. Because losing weight and getting healthier are really important to you, you may challenge yourself to follow these rules in hopes that this time…

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Want to Get Help from your Primary Care Provider to Lose Weight? Just Ask!

By Dr. Kushner / October 10, 2021 /

I always ask my new patients how they came to see me. More often than not, they say they asked their primary care provider for help to lose weight. Your primary care provider (PCP) may not be an expert in weight management, but he or she is likely to be an expert in knowing about…

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Make Your Home a Safe Haven for More Healthful Eating

By Dr. Kushner / October 4, 2021 /

Whether it’s the foods on your kitchen counters, eye-level in the fridge or in bowls on a cocktail table, we know that tempting food cues in your environment can lead to overeating. Too often, patients tell me they have no willpower and don’t understand why they can’t say no to all the tempting foods around…

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Self-Weighing Without Self-Judgement

By Dr. Kushner / September 3, 2021 /

Self-monitoring is one of the most important behavioral strategies for improving the healthfulness of your lifestyle. If, for example, you want to lower your blood pressure, you may purchase a blood pressure monitor so you can self-monitor at home. Reaching a health goal is easier to accomplish if you measure it on a regular basis.…

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Your Weight Matters Virtual Event – Join Us to Recharge Your Health!

By Dr. Kushner / July 13, 2021 /

Have you ever given your time and become involved in an organization only to discover that in return you got so much more back than you put in? That has been my experience that began 10 years ago when I was asked to join the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Board and lend my expertise to…

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The Food-Mood Connection and Your Health

By Dr. Kushner / June 5, 2021 /

As reported in the New York Times, new research in the field of nutritional psychiatry is linking the foods you eat with one’s mood and mental health. Though this field is in its infancy, it’s intriguing to think that choosing healthier foods could not only boost your health but may also make you feel better.…

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Control What You Can Control

By Dr. Kushner / May 21, 2021 /

So much in life is outside of our control such as where we are born, who our parents are and our genetic makeup. When taking a family history, I always ask about my patient’s family members and whether or not others in the family have weight problems. If your family members have also struggled with…

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Why It’s Time to Drop the ‘Diet Deprivation’ Mindset

By Dr. Kushner / May 10, 2021 /

Although you may think restricting eating and setting up strict food rules would help you lose weight, it really only leaves you feeling deprived. And in the long run, strict dieting along with a limited eating plan can also be a recipe for weight regain. Here’s why it’s time to drop the diet deprivation mindset:…

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Can Meal Timing Help You Eat Healthier?

By Dr. Kushner / May 2, 2021 /

When taking a dietary history, I ask the same thing to all my patients: “I am interested in learning about what you eat and drink in the course of the day. Could you please take me through a typical day, starting first thing in the morning and going into the night?” One of the biggest…

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