weight management tips

Time to Move Beyond the ‘Eat Less, Move More’ Weight Loss Message

By Dr. Kushner / April 11, 2021 /

When I hear physicians state that their patients just need to learn how to ‘eat less and move more’ to lose weight, I think about how much this message oversimplifies and under-delivers in offering real help to people who struggle with weight. This message reveals a misunderstanding about the complexity of overweight and obesity that…

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The Universal Strategy to Help You Eat Healthier & Boost Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / March 21, 2021 /

The unhealthiest eating takes place when you are hungry, stressed and unprepared. Think of this as the ‘triple threat’. Hunger + stress + being unprepared = poor decision making and overeating Planning ahead will put you back in control of your everyday eating and your health. When taking a patient history, I always ask patients…

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New Weight Loss Treatment Spurs New Interest from Physicians

By Dr. Kushner / March 13, 2021 /

We’ve seen lots of excitement from physicians about our study results published in the New England Journal of Medicine on a new effective treatment for overweight and obesity. Once semaglutide 2.4 mg gets FDA approval, having a medication that delivers 1.5-2 times the weight loss of current medications really will be a game changer. As…

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To Boost Health and Manage Weight, Mindset Matters

By Dr. Kushner / March 6, 2021 /

Those who are interested in losing weight successfully spend a lot of time looking at different diet plans to find the one they think will work best for them. You may relate. Maybe you’ve considered trying the Keto diet, intermittent fasting or going gluten-free. As a weight management specialist who has spent nearly the last…

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To Lose Weight & Get Healthier, First Talk to Your PCP

By Dr. Kushner / February 7, 2021 /

If you’re looking to lose weight and boost your health, I highly recommend you start this journey by meeting with your primary care provider (PCP). This is a topic I’m passionate about as I have spent a bulk of my career training PCPs on how to take on a bigger role in helping their patients…

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Pick Low Hanging Fruit for a Healthier Life

By Dr. Kushner / January 21, 2021 /

If you’re trying to boost your health but don’t have the motivation, time or interest to completely overhaul your lifestyle, a helpful strategy is to pick simpler lifestyle tweaks that require less effort. I refer to this as ‘picking the low hanging fruit’ or simpler strategies that are easier to implement. Here are some examples:…

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Set Up Your Home for Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Kushner / November 9, 2020 /

It seems eating temptations to ‘eat now’ or ‘eat more’ are everywhere – in the office, at social gatherings, near store cash registers or when driving by billboards and restaurants. But what about inside your home? Your home is the one environment you have control over and as I tell all of my patients, you…

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Tips to Manage Menopausal Weight Gain

By Dr. Kushner / October 15, 2020 /

Some of my most frustrated patients are women requesting help for weight gain and changing body shapes that develop during their menopause transition years. And though each woman’s personal story and weight journey differs, what they share is a feeling of powerlessness to take back control. If this sounds like you, know that though I…

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Get Expert Help to Manage Weight through Telehealth Visits

By Dr. Kushner / September 24, 2020 /

Telehealth visits offer you greater access to a variety of weight loss experts, and all from the comforts of your own home. If you struggle with healthy meal planning, following through with an exercise program or finding the right weight management treatment options to boost your success, maybe it’s time to consider seeing health care…

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Build Skillpower, Not Willpower to Manage Weight

By Dr. Kushner / September 10, 2020 /

If you’re like many of my patients, you may blame yourself for being overweight and feel your lack of success is due to a lack of willpower. But just as I tell patients, I will tell you also. Being overweight is due to multiple factors, is not your fault and cannot be wished or willed…

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