weight management tips

Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget

By Dr. Kushner / August 15, 2020 /

As food prices soar amidst the coronavirus pandemic, your good intentions to eat more healthfully may be challenged by sticker shock at the grocery store. But preparing family-friendly healthy meals should not break the bank. By making some adjustments before, during and after you shop, less costly healthy eating is within reach. Here are some…

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New Tool to Help You Eat Better, Move More, De-Stress

By Dr. Kushner / August 4, 2020 /

With stress levels high and routines disrupted in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, we are all feeling challenged to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. And yet because excess weight and obesity have been identified as risk factors for worse coronavirus outcomes, managing weight and boosting health are now more important than ever. Over the last…

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Weight Journey Reflections Can Lead to Better Health Habits

By Dr. Kushner / July 12, 2020 /

Each person has his or her own weight story to tell that encompasses one’s personal journey and struggles managing weight. I am a big believer in the value of helping people reflect on their journey and more specifically on the life events that impact it, as it can bring new awareness to the experience. Whether…

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Busting 4 Nutritional Myths to Help You Better Manage Your Weight

By Dr. Kushner / March 2, 2020 /

It seems every day you hear conflicting nutritional tips to help you lose weight. Should you avoid all carbs? Is fruit too high in sugar? Are dairy foods unhealthy? Are all processed foods bad for you? Here, I bust 4 nutritional myths to help you eat better and better manage your weight. 1 – Ditch…

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Don’t Deprive Yourself, Give to Yourself: 5 Ways to Give your Weight Loss Program a Boost

By Dr. Kushner / January 12, 2020 /

It’s the time of year when articles with diet deprivation tips abound, telling you to ‘ban all sugar from your diet’ or ‘eat all foods between noon and 8 PM’. And because losing weight and getting healthier are really important to you, you challenge yourself to follow these rules in hopes that this year will…

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3 Ways to Not Let Food Pushers Derail Your Healthy Eating Efforts

By Dr. Kushner / November 13, 2019 /

Holiday time or not, many of my patients tell me about the food pushers in their lives who make it hard to eat healthfully. Who are the food pushers? Food pushers are most often people you know who prod you to eat more or eat foods that you know are less healthy. It may be your spouse who continues to…

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5 Reasons Why Losing Weight Successfully Is More About YOU Than Your Diet

By Dr. Kushner / September 27, 2019 /

Those who are interested in losing weight successfully spend a lot of time looking at different diet plans to find the one they think will work best for them. You may relate. Maybe you’ve considered trying the Keto diet, intermittent fasting or going gluten-free.  As a weight management specialist who has spent nearly the last…

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How to Start your Own Fun Club & Be Active with Friends

By Dr. Kushner / September 20, 2019 /

Getting your body in motion and being active is not always easy when you have a busy life. Staying motivated to be active and try new things can also be a challenge.  In contrast, if you participate in a fun activity with a group of friends, then being active can feel more like a social…

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six factors to fit book

Six Factors To Fit FAQ

By Dr. Kushner / September 20, 2019 /

Six Factors to Fit FAQ How is your book different from other diet books? Six Factors to Fit: Weight Loss that Works for You! is not a diet book that you go on and then off of. Instead, it’s a lifelong weight management and healthy lifestyle program all in one, personalized just for you. Most…

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