Budget Friendly Healthy Eating & Exercise Tips
Is a healthy lifestyle expensive? Because we live in a world where tasty, tempting foods high in calories, fat, salt and sugar are abundant and cheap while a physically active...
What’s for Dinner?
Being able to whip up quick, healthy dinner meals in minutes is a skill that will serve you well in your quest to eat healthier. In our household, my wife...
Weight Loss that Fits Your Life & Lifestyle
While helping people get control of their weight for almost 4 decades, one thing I know for sure is that ‘one size does not fit all.’ I spend a lot...
Healthy Living Gift Ideas
I like to think of healthy living as a 3-legged stool that incorporates diet, physical activity and mindset. If one of these legs is ignored or not attended to on...
Use Exercise ‘Snacks’ to Feel Better, Improve Health
It’s no secret that we all sit too much – working at our desks, driving in our cars and relaxing on the couch. A small study published online in Medicine...
Improve Energy Level and Mood to Help you through the Holidays
Holiday times are usually a time when you need high energy for all the family get-togethers, gift buying and cooking that are piled onto your day-to-day routine. But this year...
Fight Weight Loss Boredom, Boost Motivation Now
No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, it’s not uncommon to find your motivation waning over time. Because weight management is typically a lifelong endeavor, boredom can...
Set Up Your Home for Weight Loss Success
It seems eating temptations to ‘eat now’ or ‘eat more’ are everywhere – in the office, at social gatherings, near store cash registers or when driving by billboards and restaurants....